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Good Morning! No matter how fashionable I try to be, none of the blogger/paparazzi are giving me any attention!! Can’t begin to explain my frustration!! —————– Bom dia!! Estou passada!! Com todo esse mar de blogger/paparazzi, ninguém tira foto de mim!! 🙁 …  Entro nos desfiles andando com segurança, sorriso como quem não quer nada, […]
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Taking the train from Florence to Milan, one hour and 45 minutes, com wifi! ——————- Pegando o trem de Florença a Milão, uma hora e 45 minutos com wifi!! Estou toda preparada para poder postar várias vezes por dia…vamos ver se consigo.  Até a Costanza vai ter que ajudar fotografando os meus looks.  Fiquem tranquilos!! […]
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It was fortuity that brought Barbara, a young Brazilian talent, and I together.  Soon, it was love at first sight.  I absolutely love the simplicity and complexity of the pieces in this, her debut collection.  They are like canvases with which women of different shapes can be elegant and comfortable while still having the room […]
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